Celebration, Sobriety, and The Good Life…

Alright, I admit it…My emotions run hot and cold these days, but whose don’t? I mean, yesterday my post was a lot of sincere talk about my emotional difficulties, fears, and stresses. There was a lot of great stuff as well, so I have to add that on to the ‘plus’ side of my daily accounting. None of the posted things were really bad, just part of life. My gratitude list always grows, if I want it too. It’s up to me to see the good things that I have and not dwell on the negative. Unfortunately it’s easier said than done.

I am sober today, and most likely will be tomorrow. It’s currently 1:25 AM here in Somewheresville and I am up doing laundry, watching movies, and typing away. I should be reading some schoolwork, but I have a few hours before bed. Plenty of time, he said. I have searched the house and there seems to be no one here but me and the cat. Still, this gives me time to do some work. As long as I can be awake at 8AM to grab the paper and the mail and head off to my shrink, I’ll be OK.

I would like to have everything right now, including intimate love, but I must wait. As my sponsor says, “Everything is exactly as it should be.” I have so much already that is going well in my life. School is going great, I’m part of a community of friends, and I am respected and loved for many reasons. My health is good, I have a car, there is food in the fridge, in my belly, and roof over my head. Even my crazy cat seems to approve.

Tonight I celebrated my 3rd year of sobriety with my homegroup nearby. The feeling was fantastic. Not to be the center of attention, but to just acknowledge all of their help in my battle with this progressive disease of alcoholism. I had someone else speak for me which I think is important. It is, after all, more of a celebration of the program with me as an example. By asking someone else to speak I am throwing a little humility out to the world. I also recognized that as much as alcoholism is progressive, so is recovery, as long as I work the program to the best of my ability. I put in the effort and not worry about the outcome. I was very grateful to have my sponsor there to give me my medallion and meet some of the friends I have that he doesn’t know.

The other celebrant was a guy called Fred, who celebrated 3 years as well…OK, I’ll take his inventory for a second. He spoke for himself and proceeded to ramble on for too long about not much, IMHO. In the end he decided to show us his new tattoos. I don’t know, I guess he’s improved over the years. At least he didn’t all religious like last year. He seems to have dropped his ‘born again’ lifestyle. Thank The Force.

The truth? He’s a nice guy and he is working on many life issues, just like me. As my sponsor said, “Sometimes it takes a few years to smooth out all the bumps and jagged edges.” I was proud to stand up there with him and blow out our candles together. Congratulations Fred!

My good friend Hawkcote gave me a beautiful card that she made just for me. She is an artist, and, if I know her, is awake right now either blogging or playing non-violent problem-solving video games. Thanks again, Hawkcote.

Well, it’s now coming up on 2AM and I think I’ll work on a model for spell before I attempt to get some sleep.


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Johnnyboy is a queer recovering alcoholic. For the moment he is also the primary caregiver for his mother, who suffers from age-related cognitive impairment. She is happy as a lark and is surrounded by a crew of sober women which gives him the freedom he needs to get out of town. When he is not at home in Somewheresville, he is searching out the proper path to travel for happiness and joy. He is a photographer who believes in the digital age, but feels that film is still where its at. He has a darkroom and works in it. He is single and is in remarkably great physical condition for all the damage he has submitted his body to. His cardiologist is very happy. Johnnyboy is over the age of 35.