With the deluge over and my lazy airplane-building weekend at a close, I have decided to get back on the grindstone tomorrow. I have plenty to do that I have been avoiding.
1. I need to write a short piece about Step 3 for my sponsor, due Tuesday.
2.I should start reading more philosophy, due on the 24th of the month.
3. I am still waiting for a book to arrive, and when it does I can start my CW2/RW homework…
but I can begin that work by trying to find a suitable subject for a paper. It has to be a controversial, hot-button, issue. I am staying away from all the really current news, like the Supreme Court, New Orleans, and whatnot. I figure that the 5 women in my class will have that covered.
Instead I am going to write about depleted uranium munitions. If you don’t know, these are armor piercing shells that, instead of being made out of the more expensive tungsten, are made out of depleted uranium, a waste by-product of nuclear power facilities. It is incredibly heavy and burns at over 600* F. Works great. Kills great. Contaminates even better. Personally I think the whole thing is vile, but I am going to take a stance, in the paper, that is pro-DU. I have my work cut out for me. A quick 15 minute Google turned up lots and lots of anti-DU reports, many from reputable sources, but damn few in support. Those that did support the stuff sited the same rationale I just used. Cheap, effective, tastes great, less filling.
I’ll keep you in the loop…