The other day as I was trying to sleep off a serious head cold I had some wild dreams. I usually dream quite vividly if I sleep during the day and I have attributed this to the large quantity of light impulses bouncing off of my eyelids, but these were different. Even though I wasn’t running a fever, they felt like those kinds of dreams: vivid, colorful, and more surreal than normal. I awoke at one point, and half-asleep, thought up an idea for a new blog to post:
Erotic Fiction.
In the dream state the words flowed smoothly and succinctly, weaving a real story based on my own experiences and those that I have read/watched/heard. The fiction was classy and non-smutty, although surely for mature audiences only. It seemed to be a cross between the Victorian porn style and the newer, more sex-positive writings of people like Carol Queen and others. It rocked, I tell ya.
So I woke up and mulled it over in my head and then decided to do some research first. I used my own blog host as a search engine and came up with lots of stuff. Apparently the only thing people like blogging about more than their own personal lives is their own personal sex lives. There were some genuinely good sites. Some were downright pornographic, complete with pictures. There were some that emphasized the play and fun aspect of the subject, and some were very serious. Every fetish you can think of is represented. I won’t link them here (search for yourselves!)but there were a few I liked. One of the funnier sites is written by a woman in search of the perfect battery operated companion, if you get my drift. She has been doing her research as well, trying to find something that sends her over the edge and doesn’t sound like a leaf-blower. Another was from a couple in the mid-west who write out their fantasies on-line, take suggestions, and perform them for their audience. So the breadth of scale is enormous.
If I were to attempt a blog in this genre I don’t think writing it alone would be any fun. I mean, seriously, it’s always more fun with others, right? I was thinking of posting an “exquisite corpse” style of blog, with people joining in on the content (text only, please). What do you all think of that? I think it might be fun. If it doesn’t work, we can always scrap the idea.
Think about it while you read the haiku…
Hurried water runs
over patient mossy stones
splashing on the bank.
Milky jade light
ignites to full tangerine:
suddenly morning.
Hand in hand, downtown:
every look a pure romance
softer than the sun.