My thanks to Aravis, Hawkote, and SamIAm for their kind words of hope, advice and all that jazz. But really, it’s nice to know that someone is reading this thing!
Despite yesterday’s unnerving experience with a person who loves to dabble and reform in their own image, I am secure in my Self. I am finally becoming comfortable in my own skin after too many years of not. I attribute all of this to AA and the Steps and what they teach me about myself. It’s funny, though, how there will always be people in my life who do not agree with the littlest things about me, as if my own life’s quirks are their pet peeves. I really have no desire to create someone in my image. Perhaps that’s why I think those reality ‘makeover’ shows (take your pick) are complete and utter bunk and not even worth a laugh. All I can think of are those poor people with a perfectly normal, solid, livable ranch-style house in the suburbs who are suddenly left with a medieval castle made of cheap goods from Big Box stores, WalMart, and Home Depot. I read somewhere, actually, that one of those shows ran over the time limit and so they packed up and split, relegating the huge cost of rebuilding, repairing, and cleanup to the owner of the home. There were lawsuits and the owner won but it put a spotlight on just how cheap and crappy these makeovers really are.
So what I’m getting at is there is no point in being something you’re not. If I choose to be a hip kinda guy, it’s because I am already and different clothing will not improve that Self. The new facade will probably just look ersatz and tawdry, as if I have something to hide or am compensating for a lack of verve.
In the cooking world it is well known that the only reason the French are so fond of sauces is so they can cover up lesser cuts of meat or fish.
I am trying to put some permanent links to other folks’ blogs, but I don’t know how or even if I can with a free blog. I may have to update and get a paid site. Oh well, I’ll figure it out…