I’ll get the haiku up tomorrow, never fear.
I have to make this quick, because I have to go to my shrink for my sesion in a few minutes.
I spoke last night at a nearby meeting and it went very well. I have no idea what I said which is usually a pretty good indication of my message. The theme seemed to be ‘honesty’ which is as good as it gets for me.
My sponsee is still not addressing his hygiene problem. Like many people who are MICA he has a weird fear/aversion to water and soap. Not much I can do, but perhaps others can help me. I might have to lie and say that when I was getting sober I had to relearn everything about hygiene, and wash more thoroughly than I used to.
I received my results from my blood test as a part of my physical last week. My chlolesterol is fine, as is my bp, hr, and other fluids. My triglyceride level, however, is out the roof. It should be around 100, or less, and is at a whopping 624! If my bp weren’t good, I’d have had several heart attacks already and would probably be dead. For those who don’t know, the triglycerides are the molecules in the blood that grab hold of fat cells, whisk them along to the liver and other organs to be processed, or pass them out. They are not doing their job. My doc thought that this was genetic, but there is no history in my family, which is good news. This means that I can address this with diet, exercise, and medication, namely Tricor, which I have been taking for 4 days now. This is supposed to lower the tri, raise the HDL and set me back on course.
My sister in Maine wondered how much of this was caused by my alcoholic history, and I wonder how much was caused by eating three-meals-a-day of high saturated fat, carbs, and junk food for 19 months, i.e. jail. Probably a combination of the two.
So it’s no more animal fats for Johnnyboy (that’s cheese, Grommit), and lowlowlow chlolesterol. This is where I’m thankful and grateful that I’m a chef, and know how to cook. I do not have to live out of packaged foodstuffs.
Another friend said that sincethe tris are not doing their jobs, which is burning fat, I would never be able to lose any weight if this problem had not been addressed. Interesting. Maybe I’ll be svelte by June!