By this title I do not mean ‘at my job’ but rather the other menaing. Her are 2 examples of my mind being elsewhere.
1. My little notebook that I brought with me to Karme Choling, in hich I wrote the three haiku for yesteday’s post is MIA. It’s not in the bag I brought, nor is it in my car. This mean it is probably still at KCL in Vermont. I’ve called them and they have told me that they’ll check the L ‘n’ F and send it to me if it is indeed there. I think that I left it in the dining hall one day before lunch and forgot about it in my enthusiasm to breathe. Not a mindful moment.
2. Yesterday I chose to go to the VW garage nearby instead of NYC like I had planned. My car needed some work so I decided to take care of these matters before persuing frivolous activities. I dropped the car off and walked to the nearby bank to use the ATM so I could have some coffee at Barnes and Noble, read, kill time, etc…I took the money and receipt but forgot to take my card back. I went on my oblivious, liesurely, way only to discover the missing plastic when I tried to buy the new Kate Bush album. So I went back to the bank, and yes, they did have the card. Unfortunately they would not give it back to me. Bank policy states that the card must now be destroyed. No amount of ID would get it back for me. I felt like gunning down every goddamned person in the room, but I also realized that it wasn’t their fault, it was mine. So I let it go, and I was much better.
So I went through the painless procedure of ordering a new card, which I will receive in a week or so.
What a pain in the ass I can be to myself! This means I have to go to the bank and use a check or slip to get money when I need it. I am unused to doing this. I’ll be OK, though, as long as I am mindful of when I need to have dough for gas and so on.
What I really want is my notebook. Those were good haiku…