In regards to this situation with my father, I think I have a solution for him…
I know he will balk at the idea, because this has already happened. His response the first time was “But I went to an AA meeting a few years ago with my girlfriend…” He is one of those guys who doesn’t wish to examine himself too closely, I fear.
I feel though, that he will understand me better if he at least tries to work some kind of program. Seeing as two of his children are in AA it is the best course. So far he hasn’t contacted me, but when he does, all I’ll respond with is “Go to Al-Anon” and then let it go.
I think I have finally finished my last paper from the past semester. The damn thing really had me going around in circles for a while. I’ll sit on it for a couple of days and then reread, revise, and email it to the prof.
Not much else to say tonight.