Tonight I head up to Albany to be part of a panel discussion on what it means to be a global citizen in a rapidly shrinking world.
I’m a cynic. It is too late to stop global warming, or reverse the effects without a major shift in population density. By that I mean that 25% of the world population has to go away. That’s cold, I know, but that’s the reality. Green energy will take too long to affect change, and driving hybrid cars may make you feel better, but it doesn’t really help yet. If everyone started using wind power tomorrow it might make a difference but that’s along shot. So enjoy it while you can folks.
Like I said, I’m a cynic.
Mom’s frustration over her medications boiled a little bit this morning. She became upset when she realized that she didn’t have enough of one med to fill her weekly pill boxes. The prescription had to be reauthorized by her MD and it hadn’t gone through yet. I do not blame a person in this matter, but rather the confusing and bureaucratic computer telephone prescription system at CVS. It is tedious and confusing for the elderly and some would rather just not deal with it. This can be dangerous, I imagine.
Enough of a soapbox today. Have a good one!