The 14th Annual SE European International AA Convention in Greece has officially been posted. I will be making my reservations soon, for a three-person room. I can always sell the beds. There is always overflow. The prices have not increased, which is nice because the almighty dollar is tanking. The dates, btw, are May 15-18 2008. The link is not up on the Int’l Events listing yet, but it will be.
I will also be attending the NERAASA (Northeast Regional AA Service Assembly) in New Jersey come February. Since I am my groups GSR and have just been appointed Alternate District Chairperson, I have to go. It will be fun because I am not going alone. It will be me and at least 4 other folks–the District 17 DCM, the other AltDCM, and our Treasurer.
I have been looking for a new eye in my photography. I have made some changes. I am using a 50mm lens, shooting only in b/w, and have switched off the auto focus. the last represents my final step towards full manual operations. Here is a picture I took yesterday. It’s all about textures and time. I am calling this ‘Stigmata’.