I spent last weekend in Portland, Maine for the NERAASA Convention. For those who do not know, it is the Northeast Regional AA Service Assembly. This is a working weekend about service. By service I do not mean coffee makers or chairing meetings. The service I am talking about is the type that gets literature to the outside world so parole officers, nurses, doctors, judges, clergy, and treatment centers know what AA is and, more important, what it is not. It is a convention of GSRs, DCMs, Area Delegates, Trustees, and so forth. These are the 15% who do all the work. It is because of us that AA groups (as opposed to ‘meetings’) have a say in the affairs of AA worldwide. What’s the difference between a meeting and group? A group has a ‘group number’, a vote in the governing structure, and a firm connection to the program. A meeting does not. It is easy to become a group. Go to the next District meeting and sign up. Then you hold a business meeting, elect officers for the group, and proceed in the bigger world of service to the alcoholic who still suffers.
It was a great weekend and I learned a lot about the program of AA and myself.
School is moving along and I have a lot of work to do this week. I still have to finish that damn Digital Art and Design course from last semester before April 10th…
Mom is doing brilliantly. It seems as if the Synthroid is working very well. Her under-active thyroid was dragging her down. Now she has more energy during the day and all that. I can breathe a little easier.
That’s about it for now…