I apologize for missing yesterdays posting. I became caught up in lifes little twists and turns and it slipped my mind. That’s alright. Here’s the recap…
Sweetie Pie is doing OK, and she’s adjusting to the fact that she won’t be abandoned again. I think she was abused previously as well. Very sad, but she is in a safe environment now and already finding her special spots to nap, etc…She was so hungry and emaciated that she tends to gorge herself on her kibble, throwing it up a few hours later. The vet said to feed her smaller portions and keep the dish off the floor when she isn’t eating. Her tummy is so small at 6 months anyway that it doesn’t take much to fill her up. She sleeps a lot, but what cat doesn’t.
My sister came down from Boston last night to visit and to fly down to West Virginia with my mother. This means that I’ll have the house to myself for the next 5 days. I’ll enjoy the solitude and the time with Sweetie Pie.
I’ll post a formal ‘August 5th’ post later on, with some recipes and other goings-on.
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