I’ve had a full day of ‘Taking care of Johnnyboys medical needs’. My teeth cleaning went very well, if a little like having a sandblaster in my mouth. I need to floss. Time to start. I can do it, I know I can.
My MD appointment went as planned–I’ve lost 5 lbs. since my visit in May (!), and my BP was 140/84, pulse was 92. The doc confirmed my own web-diagnosis. He thinks that I may have a clogged up salivary gland. I now have some anti-biotics that I have to take for the next week. If nothing changes, I am to call an E(ar), N(ose), and T(hroat) guy over in Sharon and have a test or two…But, he is pretty sure that this is what is wrong with me. Simple problem, easy cure.
I asked him about the worst case scenario. His response was, “What, you want me to tell you you have cancer? You don’t have cancer. This is a minor infection, that’s all. Go home and take your medicine.”.
Why did I need something dire with which to hold on? To make me feel special? In the end I have nothing to worry about. All my tests in the past 7 months have proven that, aside from needing to lose 15 lbs. and use dental floss, I have a very healthy body.
I have been neglecting some of my cherished activities lately.
1. I need to build another model airplane
2. I need to play my guitar with more enthusiasm
and finish a song or 2.
3. I need to read some more of my philosophy text
before school begins in September.
I can do all these things, budget my time, set aside parts of the day, I can do it, I know I can.
I just cannot forget to floss!
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