I have had an amazing summer. Alongside fantastic adventures have been harrowing escapades and daring-dos only the sober life can bring. I rescues=d an AA friend from the clutches of a mean and nasty supposedly sober Irishman and she is doing better. I made it through places I normally would not go and returned with a smile on my face and a hundred fires to put out, or so it seemed. When I returned home two weeks ago, our fridge died. It was 35 years old and deserves a full burial, but we opted for the quick pick-up and replacement. Our new fridge reminds me suddenly of this new thing I have…My iMac.
Compared to the Dell with Windows XP, this is something else. This is elegant and lovely. The Dell is as elegant as a brick. It served me well, but is now so cruddy with internalized crap that it was time for a change. Plus, the mac is better for my photography.
Now I get to load software….I cannot figure out how to put all the old bookmarks on here, though…Maybe highlight…click and drag.