I’m off to Sarajevo tomorrow for a couple of days and have been given the green light to stay longer should some cool social activity arise. I won’t push that, but the possibility of staying there until Monday is there. My boss, however, told me that some of her friends are coming in this weekend and she could arrange for me to meet them for dinner Sunday night. That sounds interesting and fun so I will probably keep it simple and come back on Saturday evening.
It is hot today…and it will get hotter. It is about 33*C which is around 91*F (double the Celsius and add 26). The weather for Sarajevo is supposed to be the same this weekend, so I’ll leave my brolly in my apartment.
Today was a good day of emotional/medical support for one of the people we take care of. He suffers from congenital cystic myalgia, which presents itself in tumors all over his body which swell in the hot weather. His father died of this because it was left untreated, and both his brothers suffer from this and other mental and physical disabilities. So we went to the local clinic and waited while the rounds doctor made his diagnoses: some surgery and then biopsy. The people are scared of what might be, so our job is very important. It was joy to see Janet at work, both soothing worry and forcing the mother to stand up and deal with it. Truly a lesson in diplomacy and action. We will find out the news soon enough.
Tonight’s AA meeting will be on the topic of freedom and how once I surrendered to the disease of alcoholism and put the bottle down, I set in motion a progression of recovery that has freed me from my own disabilities . It is my first time chairing here in Me?ugorje, and I am a bit nervous, but we have a script to follow and we only use conference approved literature. I’ll turn the rest over to HP.
More to come…