Yes it was a wonderful time, and I miss Greece and my friends immensely. My eyes were opened yet again, and you know the details if you have been reading my posts, so I won’t repeat myself.
My final 2 days were spent in Athens, at a friends home in the city. I washed some clothes, did some last-minute shopping and made a phone call or two. On the night before I flew out, my friend Godfrey threw a big dinner for me and another AA named John, from the UK. We both left the next day after having only a few hours of sleep. Dinner on Monday night didn’t begin until 10PM, so the festivities went on until about 2AM. I slept well for about 3 hours, woke up sober and refreshed, and John-o and myself took the Metro to the airport. My flight was uneventful, but long, especially the leg from Rome to Idlewild International, the airport near The Big City.
Coming back to Fortress Amerika was the most traumatic time of the whole month. My passport was once again flagged and I had to endure the same clearing procedure as last year. I asked why and the cop told me it was because I had been arrested and so I was in their ‘watch list’. No peoblem, really, since I wasn’t breaking any laws, but the next stage was very disturbing.
I was subjected to a thorough search of my backpack and shoulder bag, asked many personal questions about my financial status, employment particulars, etc…Then I was essentially accused of being a criminal by the nasty fucker searching my bags. We are all guilty until we are proven non-threatening here in the Land of Fear. The joke and the wasted time was, of course, on him, because I had not broken any laws and was not restricted from travel in any way. I think the moron was genuinely disappointed that he hadn’t caught me being a naughty citizen. This is the excellent realization that I have had most recently. I can take responsibility for my past, understand that this routine may indeed be a permanent factor in my traveling abroad, and not be angry. It is, after all, of my own doing. Let the idiots at the TSA be angry that I am not behaving according to their profiles. My past is just that. I do not act or behave that way anymore, thank the gods.
I was through the stupidity in about 15 minutes and out the door, where my car and driver was waiting to bring me back here to Somewheresville.
The trees are green, my cat is happy I’m home, and I have spent this morning working in my garden. I woke up at 6AM and replaced the storm doors with the screens, changed some windows in the same fashion, planted 24 tomato plants, six peppers, 15 basil, bought the morning paper, and took a much needed shower…All before 9AM. Now it looks like rain…
Mom is up north visiting my sister for a couple of weeks. I’ll try to get some stuff done for her around the house before she comes home.
BTW, chalk up 2 more ‘A’s for last semester. I’m still waiting on one paper, which I think I’ll get a ‘B’ on. No worries either way.
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