Documentary photography…and Mom!

The ‘Mom’ news first…

All is well. She is sticking to the 1 oz. drink as prescribed, and that’s how I put it to her. It is like a doctor’s prescription. Anyway, all is well.

My Documentary Photography course in The Big City is very cool. There are about ten other students, from different points of view and differing ideas about what the class and subject means to them. It’s all valid, IMHO. Our first project, due next Saturday, is to take pictures of a subject in everyday life and write a small paper to accompany it. I have chosen ‘pay telephones’ as my focus and spent a lot of the day driving around trying to find the damn things. I am restricting my search to Anywhere County and have covered much of the southern half.

Slim pickin’s.

I blame the cellular phone for this dearth of public telephones. Oh, btw, I am only shooting pics of the outdoor variety…If they have been moved indoor, they are out of play. I’ll post a few pictures when I have the time, but for now let me say that it has revived my tired-of-my-home-turf-jaded eye and has allowed me to see afresh in my area.

So, by the end of this week I have a paper to finish on Woodrow Wilson, two essays for Credit By Evaluation, and this piece, plus reading, reading, reading…


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Johnnyboy is a queer recovering alcoholic. For the moment he is also the primary caregiver for his mother, who suffers from age-related cognitive impairment. She is happy as a lark and is surrounded by a crew of sober women which gives him the freedom he needs to get out of town. When he is not at home in Somewheresville, he is searching out the proper path to travel for happiness and joy. He is a photographer who believes in the digital age, but feels that film is still where its at. He has a darkroom and works in it. He is single and is in remarkably great physical condition for all the damage he has submitted his body to. His cardiologist is very happy. Johnnyboy is over the age of 35.