It’s official…

Yes, it’s true…

I’m sick. It started a few days ago with the classic scratchy throat and the occasional sneeze. I think it blossomed yesterday into something lurkingly nasty, culminating in feeling like hell this morning. So I did the right thing: I made some ginger/lemon/honey elixir, crawled back in to bed with some reading for school. The concoction made my blood move and the heat rise and the book was good to take my mind off of my sniffling and sneezing. In about an hour I was asleep again. I slept until about 2PM and now I feel pretty good. I’m still sniffling, but the feeling of being sick has left me. I’m loathe to take any syrups or tablets that might stop my drippy nose because those things usually have something in them that wack me out. They either make me sleepless or drowsy, neither of which I like.

Aravis is going to take me by the hand and show me how to post some permanent links on this blog . I’m so inept when it comes to this stuff. If it isn’t in the ‘point-and-shoot’ format of programming I get all kinds of confused and give up. It will be fun to have my favorite blogs and sites listed. I can finally put my photo site as a link and a link to my favorite recovery site, It’s a big forum with all kinds of recovery from AA to PTSD and everything in-between.

Sop I’m going to try to make it to a meeting tonight. The weather seems calm, no rain or snow, so I’ll bundle up around 6:45PM and head out into the dark for a little dose of program.

For once I think I’ll sit in the back, lest I spread this cold any further. BTW, I think I caught it from my sponsee…Thanks a bunch!


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Johnnyboy is a queer recovering alcoholic. For the moment he is also the primary caregiver for his mother, who suffers from age-related cognitive impairment. She is happy as a lark and is surrounded by a crew of sober women which gives him the freedom he needs to get out of town. When he is not at home in Somewheresville, he is searching out the proper path to travel for happiness and joy. He is a photographer who believes in the digital age, but feels that film is still where its at. He has a darkroom and works in it. He is single and is in remarkably great physical condition for all the damage he has submitted his body to. His cardiologist is very happy. Johnnyboy is over the age of 35.