Last night I made up my mind to swallow my selfish pride, confront my fears, and make a long overdue amends to my sister. Over the past few years, despite her love and support of me, I have said some cruel and judgmental things to and about her. Thankfully my conscience is still somewhat intact and the pain and guilt helped me to take the step and do the next right thing.
This morning I awoke with the determination to follow through with my plan. I almost balked, however, when I ruminated whether to get out of bed and have coffee first. Thankfully HP reminded me that coffee could come later as I had more important things to do. So I walked directly to the phone and dialed her number. I was relieved to find her at home. I was not wishing to have to leave a message and play phone tag with this important issue.
Everything went very well. I correctly assumed the responsibility for my actions and recognized how mean and unfair the statements had been. She was very kind and understanding, which was a huge relief. Just as quick as that we went on and spoke of an upcoming visit and some of the logistics involved.
We didn’t talk long as I realized that I had to leave the house soon for a visit to a nearby town where I had a great session of NeuroCybernetics with my therapist.
It’s a great feeling to use the phrase “what’s done is done” in a positive sense. A huge weight had been lifted from my life. I love to lose the baggage that I drag around.
The gift is a new chance for an honest relationship with my sister. The promise is one I kept to myself.
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