I’m very sorry, dear readers, for not posting more regularly, or at all, in the past 2 weeks or so. I have been busy, caught up in the troubles of others, and trying to figure out some things on my own…which is never smart. Thankfully I gave that idea up for dead and picked up the phone. I won’t say that I’m all better, but life is a little clearer than it was when I last posted my angry and unmanageable missive.
I am in the middle of summer semester, and the math class is going very well. I am looking forward to finishing up my philosophy tutorial with the 20th century. I need a break from the philosophical world.
My sponsee doesn’t call me, which isn’t my problem.
I call my sponsor, which helps me greatly.
I came home from Greece with what I thought was a sinus infection. 2 days ago the doctor checked me out and proclaimed me healthier than I have been in years, and the clogged right eustachian tube was probably the result of air travel. He recomended some over-the-counter nose squirts and Clariten D, in case it was a seasonal allergy. The results were overnight. I can now hear perfectly, my nose has stopped running, and the sinus pressure is gone. There are some side effects, however.
It seems that once I got sober, even the slightest of OTC drugs really changes my body chemistry. The Clariten D, for example, kept me up all night (or maybe it was the nose squirts), so that this morning at 5AM, I finally gave up, put on my clothes, and went downstairs. Thankfully I do not live alone and was able to ask someone to run interference for me until I could get a little sleep. I changed my therapist appointment to tomorrow, climbed back in bed, and tossed and turned for another 2 1/2 hours until whatever it was wore off. I managed to grab a handful of sleep before 11AM, and now I feel pretty good. If I can stay awake until 11PM I’ll be in good shape and sleep soundly through the night, and no more Clariten or squirts!
I’m having my haircut this afternoon with a new cutter at the place where I usually go. My regular snippette is big with child and has cut down her work week to 3 days from 5, so she is too busy for me to get an appointment. I’m having a man cut my hair, which is fine, but for some reason I have always preferred women. Maybe I’ll try something new instead of my usual close-cropped look, or maybe that’s the residual OTC pharms talking.
My heart soars with gratitude when I think of how fortunate I am to be here now, instead of somewhere else, unable to be of help to those around me and unwilling to turn over the obstacles in my path to my Higher Power to build with as It sees fit.
Asking for help is one of the greatest gifts I have been given.
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