New meetings…

With the re-evaluation of my inner manliness, I have decided to add an LG AA meeting to my schedule.  This will replace a Saturday night meeting in my area that has gone down the tubes due to the influx of too many re-habbers. I went last night to one and it felt good–safe, and the topic was right on–Keeping it in the day, i.e. One day At A Time.

It is interesting that having come out ten years ago to my family and friends, two years before I got sober, that I am kind of doing it again, but not really, and without the drama.  Thank the gods.  Drama I do not need.

I also have actual work coming up this weekend.  I am the second camera at a wedding in the state next door, working for a friend who has the contract.  Fun, fun.  Plus I get paid.

An update…Finally….

I imagine that some of thought I had dropped off the planet.  No.  Just went to Greece, and for some reason WordPress wouldn’t let me log on for three months.  Oh well.  Here I am, better than ever, and in an emotional and spiritual  place that can only be described as solid.

Although not with out its pains and foibles, my time at school over the past three months has left me stronger and more focused.  I am finishing school and hope to graduate in September.  I am looking into post-grad programs around here and in Europe, since I hold dual citizenry there.  So far the US schools do not thrill me. the European schools do, however.

I’ll write more later, but I have to scoot off to a 9AM 11th Step meeting down the road from me, here in Somewheresville.

It’s good to be back…
