As is my wont, I am now posting after several days of wonderful living, with the good and the bad. It’s all good, though, as the saying goes. Here’s the big revelation…
I do not believe that it is a good thing to tell someone, when their day(s) is/are going well, “don’t worry that will change” or to even say that to oneself. In my humble opinion that is setting up a chain of negative consequences and thought processes. Essentially one is saying, “Get ready, the good life is going to turn to crap”. The definition of “Happy, Joyous, and Free” does not include this kind of nay-saying. ‘Free’ to me, means free of fear, trepidation, worry, or negative projection.
This is not a new concept that I thought up myself. I learned this from my sponsor, Mike.
Thanksgiving was lovely. My sister and my bil drove from Beantown on Tuesday night, and arrived just as I was coming down with a cold. Thankfully I took it easy, with lots of water, juice and Tylenol Cold Nighttime (so I can rest tablets). the pills didn’t really make me drowsy, actually, so I was able to take them during the day. Needless to say I didn’t push the envelope by trying to drive anywhere. The ailment seems to have gone away as of last night, taking with it the stuffy nose and scratchy throat. But, I digress…
We had a wonderful time at T’giving 2006. There were six of us, meaning my mother, sister, bil, myself and two friends of the family, Heather and Eliot. The food turned out great and there was very little stress (at least I thought so) during that 30-minutes-until-dinner-crush. My baked oysters were a big hit and the turkey was juicy and tender. The corn pudding was perfect and my bil’s mashed potatoes were superb. My Brussels sprouts w/chestnuts, gravy, and homemade cranberry sauce topped off the list of super savory dishes. My sister made two pies, one apple and one pumpkin-pecan, that were, and still are, to die for. The stuffing I made wasn’t so hot, but the New York Times doesn’t always come through on the recipes… Still, a splendid time was had by all and tonight we dine on that most traditional of post-Thanksgiving treats…Leftovers!
My sister and bil leave tomorrow, and, although it will be sad to see them go, it will be good to get back to our regular schedules around here. Some of us in this house don’t react as quickly or adapt as readily to changes in routines, so this will be good.
Well, I made it through one holiday in a calm and composed, sober and sane, happy, joyous, and free manner. Here’s hoping you all did as well.
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