Thank god it’s finally raining. After a very long dry spell this is a much needed change. Of course New Orleans and the rest of the deep south could do without, but such is life. The latest news reports have the hurricane missing New Orleans for the most part, but 1,000,000 people are without power. Still a grave emergency, but my tomatoes are still enjoying the weather.
I woke up this morning at around 4:30. I think my mothers bedroom light woke me up. I lay awake for about 15 minutes and realized that I was wide awake. I chose to get up quietly and do some work on a new model I’m currently building. By 5AM I was ready to go back to bed, but the rain lulled me so well I ended up sleeping until 9:30. Oh well.
I’m waiting to hear back from my faculty mentor, Charles Fox. He and I have to arrange a time to meet and discuss what I have read and what I need to read in my philosophy textbook. So I’m chained to the office for the next few hours. I can get plenty of work done.
Here are the haiku du jour…
Blue light of morning
changes darkness to sapphire
and noises wake me.
On the muddy shore
of springtimes swollen river
a snowy egret.
The clouds are dripping,
inky, on mossy mountains,
melting the fir trees.
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