In the past two days I have sent out perhaps a half-a-dozen emails to various people, on various subjects, all of which require a reply in a timely fashion. To me, they are all relevant. Apparently not to the recipients, none of whom have replied back.
What is wrong with people? I think that some are genuinely intimidated by the internet, email, and so forth. I have had one family member tell me that she never checks her email, except on Saturday. That is more passive-aggressive than anything else, but the others have no excuse. they are business oriented and need to be written and sent. Damn it…Get it together! I don’t all day to sit around and wait…
Yes, yes…I know. There are other people in the world besides myself, and they have lives of their own, etc, etc…My reaction is a symptom of the technological disease that has infiltrated all of ou lives. I am happy to not be on Facebook, MySpace, or anything else. I am happy to go for days without email while traveling. If folks really need me,they can call…
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