I have decided against the ‘Erotic Fiction Blog’ concept. On the surface it seems a fascinating and enjoyable project, but when I began thinking about it with my sober mind I realized it would be the kind of thing I would write if I had been drinking. I think that the whole idea really was a product of my head cold/feverish dreamworld. Plus, with all the attention the law is paying to porn these days on the internet, even written porn, I thought it wise, as Obi-Wan Kenobi put it, “to steer clear of any Imperial entanglements.” So I’ll let others post their juicy tales of lust and abandonment and stick to a better, less fraught, path on this journey, this odyssey.
As some of you know I build model airplanes for a hobby. It’s very calming and meditative for me and piques my interest in history. As some of you also know, I have recently become enamored with Ebay. I have been able to combine these areas easily, searching for rare and out-of-production (OOP) kits that now stock my shelves and a couple of largish boxes. One of my favorite kit is of the Nieuport 11, nicknamed “Bebe” by it’s French makers. The best kit is made by a Ukrainian company called TOKO, or Eastern Express. I have been cornering the market on these kits. They aren’t hard to find, nor are they expensive. I now own 8 unbuilt kits of this aircraft. It is a sweet little craft; small, manouverable, and quick, staying in service long after its contemporaries became obsolete. I’ve posted a picture of a French N.11 although they were used by the English, Belgian, Italian, Imperial Russian, etc…The list goes on. It is my favorite airplane of that era, really just a box-kite with an 80hp rotary engine. A sweet machine if there ever was one.
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