Another good day sober…

I was able to start my 3rd paper this morning. The subject is cultural change as represented in Kawabata’s “Thousand Cranes” and Walker’s “The Color Purple”. I think I have a good groove going and was able to write 4 pages when I realized I was running out of gas. So I stopped writing and went to the gym. That’s what happens. There is no point to keep on typing away at something if nothing is coming out. Tomorrow I’ll do the same thing and then I’ll have 8 pages, and so on. By Sunday I’ll have 16 pages and I’ll be finished. I’ve been editing along the way, so it shouldn’t take much to tighten it up and make it shiny enough to hand in on Monday. 3 weeks, 3 papers.

Then I start the process all over again for the months of March and April: 3 classes, 3 papers.

Before I start writing I try to practice some Step 3 and turn the whole kit and kaboodle over to HP to write, and then I begin. 2 1/2 hours later I’m spent. It seems to be working so far.

After that I came home and surfed around for a spell and then picked up my sponsee and went to a great meeting at my homegroup. Aravis celebrated 9, Rob 10, and Larry S. 33. Fantastic energy and so many people! I mean, probably close to 75 sober drunks and some non-alcoholic family members were there. pretty amazing and quite a high. It was one of those moments when I looked around and thought “All these people are staying sober, one day at a time, just like me. It’s working.”

After that I went home and watched part of “Some Like It Hot” the great Billy Wilder film with Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon. I became bored, though and moved over to my hobby table and started work on another model. This will be a Sopwith Camel, in a post-WW1 scheme being flopwn by the Poles during the Polish-Russian War of 1919-1921. There is nothing more rel;axing than painting a piece of plastic the 1/4 the size of a toothpick to resemble varnished maple. Very picky hobby, this one. Everything must be historically accurate or else it just doesn’t work.

I watched “Wallace and Gromit and the Curse of the Were-Rabbit” last night and laughed my ass off. What good medicine that was! So much that I watch just isn’t funny. Wry, clever, amusing, maybe, but not funny. So far the biggest laughs I’ve had were from that film and “Chicken Run”. Maybe humans don’t make me laugh anymore. They can be sooooo serious!

And I am becoming sooooo serious that I think it’s time for bed.



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Johnnyboy is a queer recovering alcoholic. For the moment he is also the primary caregiver for his mother, who suffers from age-related cognitive impairment. She is happy as a lark and is surrounded by a crew of sober women which gives him the freedom he needs to get out of town. When he is not at home in Somewheresville, he is searching out the proper path to travel for happiness and joy. He is a photographer who believes in the digital age, but feels that film is still where its at. He has a darkroom and works in it. He is single and is in remarkably great physical condition for all the damage he has submitted his body to. His cardiologist is very happy. Johnnyboy is over the age of 35.